4 Easy Steps of For Interpretating Your Dreams
1.Everything is Symbolic
Every character, object and building in your dream is symbolic of a part of yourself and your life. This one principle alone changes your entire view of dream interpretation. It is a common mistake for people to misinterpret the people and objects in their dreams as the real thing.
This is a big mistake! If I dream of Aunty Uyi throwing a pepper soup in my face, I certainly do not have to fear visiting her for Christmas! It is symbolic and Aunty Uyi is a picture of a part of me.If Aunty Uyi is an aggressive woman that tends to dominate others, then she could represent my will in this dream. Identifying the characters in your dream is the very first step to gaining an understanding of what your dreams are saying. In fact just by identifying your dream category and then identifying the symbols, you will already have an idea of what your dream is speaking about.This goes for buildings, animals or any kind of object in your dream. If you dream that your house is being broken down, you do not need to rush out and buy more insurance. Your house is just a picture of your life. This opens up a whole new world to you! Manycommon symbols crop up in our dreams and I will give you some interpretations for them on later articles.
2. Good is Great. Bad is…well…bad.
Understanding what the characters in your dream represent is just the first step. It is also very important to determine if that character is playing a positive or a negative role in your dreams.This alone can turn your interpretation right around. If I dream that my house is being torn down, it can be positive or negative. If your house is being torn down so that something bigger can be built, it means that you are in a process of growing spiritually and mentally in your life right now. However if your house is being bombed by terrorists or torn down by a storm, it means that you are facing some severe attack in your life right now and that you are falling apart. Do you see what I mean? In both cases…once again the house is a symbol of your life. It does not speak of your actual house and you do not need to fear a sudden invasion of terrorists ok?
3. Everything is About You
It’s your dream. It’s your life. It’s about YOU! Another big mistake that people make is that they think if they dream of someone else that the dream is for that person. It’s a bit ridiculous actually. If you dream that your co‐worker falls pregnant, I would certainly not rush to them and announce the good news! Not only will you be wrong, but every time you head for the cantine the other co‐workers might suddenly find a reason to be somewhere else… Hmmm, I get the feeling that some folks reading this might have made this mistake a few times. Not to worry though! There is hope. Keep in mind that because the characters in your dream are a picture of yourself, the dream is a
message for you. These dreams are a depiction of what is going on inside of you right now and often also refer to events that happened in the past. Either way, you are the star of this show and it’s all about YOU!
4. Identifying the Message
It is important to remember that an internal dream has a single message. If your dream has lots of characters and scene changes, then it is a garbage dream and does not have an interpretation. By identifying the symbols in your dreams and determining if they are given in a positive or negative context, you are armed with everything you need to identify the message.
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